
Post-doctoral researcher for the research group “Experimental Immunotherapies” at the BIH Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT)

The research group, headed by Dr. Michael Schmueck-Henneresse, is interested in how T cells protect us from viral infections and chronic diseases caused by pathogens, tumors or autoimmunity. The group focuses on how T cells coordinate an effective immune memory against virus-infected or malignant cells and how this can be […]

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Post doctoral position in Paris on islet cell development and biology

A postdoctoral position for up to five years in the INSERM group: Functional pancreatic beta cell mass in rodent and human (Director Raphael Scharfmann) https://www.institutcochin.fr/departments/emd/team-scharfmann The team is part of the INSERM Cochin institute (www.cochin.inserm.fr/) and has a strong expertise in rodent and human pancreatic beta cell field. The Scharfmann’s lab […]

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