Please report from the Kick-off event and use the meeting’s hashtag

Let’s get to work!

Next week, RESTORE partners and supporters will officially kick-off RESTORE’s preparatory phase in Berlin. At this meeting, we will work on “The Advanced Therapies Roadmap for Horizon Europe” that is RESTORE’s proposal to the European Commission.

In line with our strategy to first identify major challenges, roadblocks and bottlenecks in the development of Advanced Therapies, we will form working groups dedicated to specific topics. These working groups are led by experts from the RESTORE community and will begin to draft their specific strategic plan with clear deliverables, timelines and responsibilities. These strategic plans will feed into the “The Advanced Therapies Roadmap for Horizon Europe” that will enable Europe to become a leader in the development and application of Advanced Therapies.

Any supporter attending the meeting can directly participate in the working groups. Those supporters, who could not attend the kick-off meeting, are most welcome to join any working group afterwards and to contribute with their expertise.

The RESTORE Initiative is supported by the EU. We are committed to transparency and find it of utmost importance to provide the public with timely information on what we are planning to do and on the progress we are making.

Today, we uploaded the agenda of the kick-off meeting to the website; over the next days, we will introduce the working groups and elaborate on different aspects of the anticipated discussion in our social media channels Twitter and Facebook. Follow us to learn more about RESTORE!

Download the agenda