Driving Academic Translation of Cell and Gene Therapies (CGT)

30-31 March 2023, Berlin

The event is sponsored by the Translation Partnership Award (Wellcome Trust & BIH/Charité), Berlin Center for Advanced Therapies (BeCAT), and BIH Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT).


The program will include case study presentations on the identification of translation barriers in the field of CGT in Europe and strategies to overcome them or reports on already successful results.

Discussion Sessions

  • “Regulatory Hurdles”
  • “Opportunities and Challenges of Gene Editing”
  • “Are We Ready to Overcome Need of Animal Experiments for Preclinical PoC?”
  • “Innovative Manufacturing Solutions”
  • “Product Specification and Therapy Response Measurement”

Organizers (Berlin Team)

  • Hans-Dieter Volk
  • Peter van der Made
  • Petra Reinke
  • Leila Amini
  • Michael Schmück-Henneresse
  • Dimitrios L. Wagner

The meeting is sponsored by the Translation Partnership Award (Wellcome Trust & BIH/Charité),Berlin Center for Advanced Therapies (BeCAT),and BIH Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT). This allows us to cover the costs of the meeting for speakers and participants (max. 80) and for external guests also the hotel (2 nights).
