RESTORE looks forward to welcoming you to the
Harnessing cell therapies to fight COVID-19: Basic research, clinical evidence and patient access
25 February 2021 – Webinar event
Please keep checking back for more news and updates concerning the
COVID-19 & ATMPs Webinar
COVID-19 & ATMPs Webinar overview and agenda
In the programme:
- 15.00 – 15.10
Hans Dieter Volk – Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany - 15.10 – 15.40
Memory T lymphocytes containing SARS-CoV-2 specific T cells as Adoptive Cell Therapy against COVID-19
Antonio Pérez Martínez – La Paz University Hospital, Madrid, Spain - 15.40 – 16.10
Placental Derived Stromal Cells for COVID-19 ARDS: A Potential Therapy
Mitchell Levy – Brown University and Rhode Island Hospital, Providence RI, USA - 16.10 – 16.40
Considerations for choosing the mode of delivery (IV, IM, Intra-nasal) for living drug therapy for COVID-19
Racheli Ofir – Pluristem Therapeutics Inc., Haifa, Israel - 16.40 – 17.10
Segregating immunopathology from the beneficial T cell response for treatment of COVID-19
Leila Amini – Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany - 17.10-17.40 Allogeneic regulatory T cells for the treatment of late stage COVID patients
Jeffrey Bluestone – Sonoma Biotherapeutics, South San Francisco, USA - 17.40-17.50
Closing remarks
2020 was an unusual and difficult year for many, both professionally and personally. The global spread of the novel corona virus, Sars-CoV-2, challenged societies across the world, putting strain upon healthcare systems and communities to support and protect those most vulnerable to Sars-CoV-2 and the disease, COVID-19, caused by infection. The global pandemic spurred the development of novel vaccines, to prevent COVID-19 and the continued spread of the novel corona virus, with unprecedented speed. Thus, we enter 2021 with cautious optimism for the future in which our lives are no longer dictated by these 100 nm virion particles!
However, the implementation of global vaccination programmes will take time, and, in the meantime, COVID-19 cases continue to soar, aided by the emergence of faster spreading variants of Sars-CoV-2. As such, there is the continued need for development of effective treatments for those patients suffering from the most severe cases of COVID-19.
A number of therapeutic agents, belonging to a wide range of drug classes, are being tested both preclinically and clinically as treatment options. Therapeutic approaches range from alleviating symptoms and modifying the immune response to antiviral therapy. During the last year it has become apparent that modification and rebalancing of the immune system plays a major role in the treatment of severe cases of COVID-19. Additionally, endogenous tissue repair may play an important role in full recovery.
These observations piqued the interest of the ATMP community, resulting in the initiation of a considerable number of clinical trials utilising ATMPs to treat COVID-19 patients. The pandemic has demonstrated the ability of the scientific world to pursue the rapid translation of scientific ideas and findings for the benefit of severely ill patients.
To provide an overview of the different approaches within the ATMP landscape, RESTORE are hosting an online event: Harnessing cell therapies to fight COVID-19: Basic research, clinical evidence and patient access, during which experts in the field of ATMPs will discuss their work over the past year to utilise their knowledge of Advanced Therapies to combat COVID-19.
Please join us online on February 25th, 2021 at 15:00 h CET to learn about recent developments in ATMP treatments for COVID-19 patients and to partake in discussions about the prospects and unique challenges facing the application of ATMPs to combat a world-wide pandemic.
Please come back soon on this page to find more meeting info.