Abstract submission deadline:
August 5, 2019
Meeting registration deadline:
November 15, 2019
Selected Confirmed Keynote Speakers

Antonio Campos
University of Granada, Spain
Prof. Antonio Campos is a full-professor of the Histology Department in the University of Granada in Spain and the director of the Tissue Engineering Group of this University. He has held the following positions: President of the Spanish Society of Histology (1983-1993), Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Granada (1992-2000), President of the Spanish Conference of Medical Schools (1996-2000), President of the European Association of Faculties of Medicine (2000-2001), Representative of Spain in the Consultative Committee of the European Union for the Training of Physicians (1998), Advisory Board Member of Science and Technology (2000-2004), Director of the National Institute of Health Carlos III (2000-2004), Member of Editorial Boards and Scientific Evaluator in journals and national and international institutions, Member of the Royal National Academy of Medicine (since 2004) and Honoris Causa degree for Cordoba National University in Argentina, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, in Dominican Republic (first university founded in America) and the Aveiro University in Portugal. Moreover, he has published relevant books and papers in high impact factor journals related to tissue engineering and also Medical Education. His group has generated several artificial tissues by tissue engineering that are presently being applied or in clinical trial.

Michele De Luca
University of Modena, Italy
Michele De Luca, MD, is Director of the Centre for Regenerative Medicine “Stefano Ferrari” and the Interdepartmental Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and Scientific Director and co-founder of the university spin-off Holostem Terapie Avanzate.
De Luca was Scientific Director of Veneto Eye Bank Foundation in Venice (2000-2007) and Head of Laboratory of Tissue Engineering at Istituto Dermopatico dell’Immacolata in Rome (1996-2002), Deputy Head (1992-1995) and Senior Investigator (1986-1992) at Laboratory of Stem Cell Differentiation at National Institute for Cancer Research in Genova, Visiting scientist at the Department of Physiology and Biophysics of Harvard Medical School in Boston (1985) and Fogarty Fellow at the NIH (NIADDK) in Bethesda (1982-1985).
De Luca is author of over 120 peer reviewed international publications, has been invited speaker in approximately 200 international meetings worldwide. He is internationally recognized as a leading scientist in epithelial stem cell biology aimed at clinical application in regenerative medicine and played a pivotal role in epithelial stem cell-mediated cell and gene therapy.

Tal Dvir
Tel Aviv University, Tissue Engineering and RegMed, Israel
Tal Dvir is a Professor at Tel Aviv University, Israel. He obtained his B.Sc. (2003) and Ph.D (2008) degrees from the faculty of Engineering at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel. His Ph.D research focused on cardiac tissue engineering and regeneration. Tal continued his postdoctoral studies in the laboratory of Prof. Robert Langer in the Department of Chemical Engineering at MIT. His postdoc research focused on advanced materials for tissue engineering and regeneration.
On October 2011 Tal was recruited by the Department of Biotechnology and the Center for Nanotechnology at Tel Aviv University to establish the Laboratory for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. On 2013, Tal has also joined the newly established Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Tel Aviv. Since 2017, Tal is the founding director of the Sagol Center for Regenerative Biotechnology.
Currently, Tal’s laboratory designs and develops smart bio and nanomaterials and technologies for engineering complex tissues, such as the heart, brain, spinal cord, intestine, eyes and more.
Tal has published many papers in top journals and received numerous awards, including the Rappaport prize and the Juludan prize.

Paolo Gasparini
University of Trieste, IRCCS, Italy
Prof. Paolo Gasparini graduated in Medicine at the University of Turin in 1985, and specialized in Haematology and in Medical Genetics at the University of Verona in 1988 and 1992, respectively. He is full professor of Medical Genetics at the University of Trieste, Head of Medical Genetics and Head of the Department for Advanced Diagnostics and Clinical Trials at IRCCS Mother Child Hospital Burlo Garofolo in Trieste.
He has contributed to the identification of several inherited disease genes as well as genes underlying complex and quantitative traits. He spent some time as visting professor at CHOP (Philadelphia, USA) and Sanger (Cambridge, UK). He is directly involved in a series of large studies on isolated populations in Italy, Caucasus and Central Asia in which samples from more than 5000 individuals were collected, accurately phenotyped and genotyped. He also established a series of collaborations in Qatar, where he spent two years at Sidra Medical and Research Center developing research on genetics diseases.
His research activities focus on the identification of genes related to hereditary illnesses and mitochondrial metabolic illnesses. Major fields of research include the understanding of the genetics bases of hearing function and loss, aging, and taste and food preferences and their implications on health status.

Manuela Gomes
University of Minho, Portugal
Manuela E. Gomes graduated in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering form the University of Porto, obtained the MSc in Polymer Engineering, Univ. of Minho in cooperation with the company Isotis, Bilthoven (Holland) and the PhD in Materials Science and Engineering – Tissue Engineering/Hybrid Materials in collaboration with the Rice University (USA). She is a founder member of the 3B’s Research Group of the University of Minho and was one of the Vice-Directors of the Group from 2011-18. Presently she is Associate Professor and President of the Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics (I3Bs) of the University of Minho, Portugal.
Manuela Gomes research interests have focused on bone, cartilage and more recently, tendon tissue engineering strategies, namely in the development of scaffold materials based on biodegradable natural origin polymers, stem cells sourcing and differentiation (using biochemical and physical methods); In recent years, her research has been focusing on the use of platelets based biomaterials and magnetic tissue engineering approaches for modulating the functionality/regenerative potential of tendon/ligament tissue engineered constructs.
Manuela has been part of numerous European and national/regional projects as PI/member, including for example, the European Network of Excellence EXPERTISSUES, which originated the European Institute of Excellence in Tissue Engineering (EXPERTISSUES EEIG), leaded by 3B’s. More recently, she has been involved in the EC funded project “THE DISCOVERIS CTR” (H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-Teaming), which aims at implementing a new Center of Excellence in Regenerative and Precision Medicine at the University of Minho (in collaboration with the major Portuguese universities and the University College of London). She was awarded a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC CoG) to develop magnetically assisted tissue engineering technologies for tendon regeneration that started in May 2018 and with a EC funded Twinning Project – Achilles: Overcoming specific weaknesses in tendon biology to design advanced regenerative therapies”, in collaboration with NUI Galway (Ireland), Regensburg University (Germany) and the Mayo Clinic (USA).
Manuela E. Gomes is editor 2 books (presently also Assistant Editor of the Tissue Engineering Encyclopedia, published by Elsevier in June 2019) and author of 40 book chapters, 195 full papers published in international refereed journals, and more than 300 communications in international Conferences. She has been invited to give over 40 lectures in international conferences and advanced schools. She is also co-author of 7 patents (national/international).
Manuela E. Gomes is an active member of several International Scientific Organizations, but she has been particularly involved in the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS), presently as member at large of TERMIS-Global and Member of the Governing Board and Chair of the Membership Comitttee. She has received several awards, including the 2013 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – European Chapter (TERMIS-EU) Young Investigator Award.

Alexandra Marques
University of Minho, Portugal
Alexandra P. Marques has a PhD on Materials Science and Technology – Biomaterials from the University of Minho, Portugal and in cooperation with the University of Liverpool, UK, and a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Porto, Portugal. She is a Founder and Principal Investigator of the 3B’s Research Group at the University of Minho in Portugal, a research unit of the I3Bs – Research Institute on Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics of which she is vice-president. She is also Member of the Governing Board of the PT Government Associate Laboratory ICVS/3B´s. From January 2017 she is Associate Editor of the Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine as from 2016 was Assistant Editor.
She has been actively participating in the activities (organising and scientific committees, and International Advisory Board of conferences) of different Societies including the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society and the European Wound Management Association (Elected Council Member from July 2018).
After receiving Starting and Development Career Grants from the Portuguese Science Foundation, in 2016 she was awarded a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council, adding to the different National and International projects she has been coordinating or she was core member.
She edited 2 books, is author of 99 peer-reviewed publications, 19 book chapters, 95 Indexed conference abstracts and proceedings, and is co-inventor of 13 patents (5 families).

Antonella Motta
University of Trento, Italy
Antonella Motta is Associate professor at Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, Italy. Graduated in Natural Sciences at the University of Padova (Italy), with PhD in Biomaterials by University of Trento (Italy). The research topics include engineered polymer-based materials for regenerative medicine applications, chemical-physical and biological characterization of materials for biomedical use, interactions between implants materials, proteins and cells, protein based materials, immobilization and adhesion mechanisms of proteins and cells, blood-contacting materials, nanostructured materials for biomedical applications; in particular, a 20 years experience on silk-based matrices design for application in tissue engineering and 3D in vitro models.
Co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Biomaterials, Polymer Edition; Associate Editor of Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers; Member of the Scientific Editorial Board of International Journals, and referee for international Journals in the Biomaterials and Biomedical Technologies field.
Visiting professor in several Universities, i.e. Tufts University (MA, USA), Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok, Thailand), University of Texas at Arlington (TX, USA), University of Colorado at Boulder (CO, USA).
About 160 publications in International Journals, Co-editor of a book on Tissue engineering, 9 book chapters, 8 International Patents. Invited Speaker at several International and National Conferences and Schools.

Eric Shifrut
University of California, San Francisco, CA, US
Eric Shifrut is currently a senior postdoctoral fellow at UCSF working with Dr. Alexander Marson. Eric completed his PhD at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, under supervision of Prof. Nir Friedman. In his thesis work, Eric developed computational and experimental platforms to map the landscape of T cell receptor repertoires in health and disease. Since joining the Marson lab in 2016, Eric has been working to pioneer CRISPR applications in primary human T cells. These efforts aim to design discovery platforms to explore and exploit genetic circuits to boost T cell function in cancer immunotherapy. His research focuses on engineering human T cell therapies with an enhanced ability to survive in the suppressive tumor microenvironment.
Eric is a co-author of multiple patents in T cell engineering and his work has generated more than 750 citations. He serves as a scientific consultant to cell therapy companies and has been an invited speaker at several international scientific meetings. He continues to develop new experimental platforms and computational frameworks to pursue key questions in adaptive immunity, immune tolerance and engineered cell therapies.

Ada Yonath
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Ada Yonath focuses on genetic code translation by ribosomes, on antibiotics paralyzing this process, on designing novel antibiotics for resistant pathogenic bacteria and on origin of life. She graduated from Hebrew University, earned PhD from Weizmann Institute (WIS) and completed postdoctoral studies at CMU and MIT, USA. In 1971 she established the first biological-crystallography laboratory in Israel, which was the only lab of this kind in the country for almost a decade and became a WIS faculty member. Since 1989 she is the Director of Kimmelman Center for Biomolecular Structures at WIS. In 1978-9 she spent a Sabbatical in Chicago U, and during 1980-2004 in parallel to her WIS activities, she headed the Max-Planck-Research-Unit for Ribosome Structure in DESY, Hamburg.
Among others, she is a member of US National Academy of Sciences (NAS); Israel Academy of Sciences & Humanities; German Academy for Sciences; European Molecular Biology Organization; Pontifical Academy of Sciences; International Academy of Astronautics; Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome; and Royal European Academy of Doctors (RAED).
She holds honorary doctorates from over 20 universities worldwide, in Israel, USA, Latin America, Europe and the Far East. Her awards include the Israel Prize; Linus Pauling Gold Medal; Albert Einstein World Award for Excellence; UNESCO-L’Oréal Award; the Wolf Prize; the Golden DESY Pin; the Paul Ehrlich Medal; the Erice Peace Prize and the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.
Please come back visit this section to find more information about the selected speakers.
Additional keynote speakers in the field of Advanced Therapies are approached and will be announced when confirmed.